Saturday, November 19, 2016

Module 4: Teaching and Learning with Technology in Social Studies

We all know that Social Studies is a subject that often gets put on the back burner in the classroom. Implementing technology and web resources can be an easy way to get that Social Studies time in while creating an engaging and meaningful lesson. Chapter 12 in the text talks about all the different ways to integrate technology and social studies.


Roblyer talks about technology providing a variety of strategies to enhance learning for the diverse topics that social studies encompasses (Roblyer, 2016, p.340). Simulation sites such as the Oregon Trail game and iCivics provide students with real world scenarios that bring history to life through their computer.

Another huge benefit technology brings to the social studies classroom is the unlimited access to primary sources available on the web. Roblyer discusses the benefits of primary sources being “making academic content meaningful and building on prior experiences.” (Roblyer, 2016, p.341). I agree with this statement because I was teaching a lesson on Marco Polo a few weeks ago and I pulled some excerpts from Marco Polo’s journal and it made the lesson more meaningful because the students were able to read about his experiences firsthand. Some great sites for primary sources are: The Library of Congress and Our Documents.


I don’t feel like there are a ton of disadvantages to using technology when it comes to teaching social studies. In the text Roblyer talks about there being a lack of technology resources for social studies (Roblyer, 2016, p.338). I disagree with this statement because there are so many great resources on the web for teaching social studies and many of them are free. Dr. Davis introduced us to Teaching Tolerance which provides free film kits on many different historical subjects.

One thing that can be a disadvantage to integrating technology in social studies is when you let students search the web, they may find inaccurate and biased sources. Sites like the Onion and other inaccurate sites can be easily found when researching. It is important to inform your students how to tell if a website is valid or not. Also giving them a list of valid sources for them to go onto for their research. A site I really like that has great social studies information is Mr. Nussbaum. Mr Nussbaum is a very comprehensive, well-researched site that students can use to find accurate and non-biased information on various history topics.

Specific Programs and Activities for Technology and Social Studies

Here are some various programs and resources that Roblyer talks about for integrating technology and social studies:
Electronic Research Records: Ellis Island Records, The White House Website
Information Visualization Resources: Social Explorer, Gapminder
Adventure Learning: Go North!, The Jason Project

Roblyer, M. D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching.  
Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.